Action Spectroscopy Laboratory Prof. Yoni Toker

Full List of Publications
“Monte Carlo-Simulated Annealing and Machine Learning-Based Funneled Approach for Finding the Global Minimum Structure of Molecular Clusters”, Michal Roth, Yoni Toker and Dan T. Major DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c07600.
"Vacuum UV studies of protonated serine clusters", Ori Licht, Maria Nihamkin, Mirit Anaby, Patrick Rousseau, Alexandre Giuliani, Aleksandar R Milosavljević, Raj Singh, Vy T. T. Nguyen, Laurent Nahon and Yoni Toker, J. Phys. B 56 (2023) 205101.
“Velocity Map Imaging with No Spherical Aberrations” Yehuda Ben-Shabo, Adeliya Kurbanov, Claus Dieter Schroter, Robert Moshammer, Holger Kreckel, Yoni Toker, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023), 25122-25129. (also on ArXiv).
“Cascade Infrared Thermal Photon Emission” Klavs Hansen, Ori Licht, Adeliya Kurbanov, Yoni Toker, J. Phys. Chem. A. 127 (2023), 2889-2894.
“Peptide Bond Formation in Protonated Serine Dimer Following VUV Photon-Induced Excitation” Ori Licht, Dario Barreiro-Lage, Patrick Rousseau, Alexandre Giuliani, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Avinoam Isaak, Yitzhak Mastai, Amnon Albeck, Raj Singh, Vy Nguyen, Laurent Nahon, Lara Martinez, Sergio Díaz-Tendero, Yoni Toker, Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 62 (2023), e2022L18770. (links to press releases: phys.org, chip)
“Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase”, Zettergren et al. Eur. Phys. J. D. 75 (2021), 1-53.
“Review: Gas-phase studies of the retinal protonated Schiff base chromophore” Y. Toker, L. H. Andersen, Eur. Phys. J. D.75 (2020), 7.
“Gas phase bond formation in dipeptide clusters”, M. Nihamkin, A. Isaak, A. Albeck, Y. Mastai, Y. Toker, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 (2020), 10100-10105.
“Harmonic height distribution in pickup spectroscopy within electrostatic ion beam traps”, M. Kahana, L. Musbat, M. Nihamkin, Y. Diamant, S. Piperno, S. Itzhak, Y. Toker, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91 (2020), 043301.
"Clusters of betaine with positive and negative ions: Evidence for thebetaine tetramer being magic" A. Ben Yaacov, L. Chen, L. Musbat, M. Nihamkin, A. Kaiser, Y. Toker, J. Chem. Phys. 151 (2019), 184303.
“Chiral recognition via abundances of mixed chiral clusters”, M. Nihamkin, A. Kaiser, I. Nemtsov, P. Martini, P. Scheier, Y. Mastai, Y. Toker, Int. J. Mass Specrom. 446 (2019), 116215.
“Counterion-controlled spectral tuning of the protonated Schiff-base retinal” Yoni Toker, Jeppe Langeland, Elisabeth Gruber, Christina Kjaer, Steen Brndsted Nielsen, and Lars H. Andersen, Veniamin A. Borin and Igor Schapiro, Phys. Rev. A. 98 (2018), 043428.
“Action and Ion Mobility Spectroscopy of a Shortened Retinal Derivative" Lihi Musbat, Shirrel Assis, Jonathan M. Dilger, Tarick J. El-Baba, Daniel R. Fuller, Jeppe Langeland Knudsen, Hjalte V. Kiefer, Amiram Hirshfeld, Noga Friedman, Lars H. Andersen, Mordechai Sheves, David E. Clemmer, Yoni Toker; J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom. 29 (2018), 2152.
“Melting proteins confined in nanodroplets with 10.6 μm light provides clues about early steps of denaturation”, Tarick J El-Baba, Daniel R Fuller, Daniel W Woodall, Shannon A Raab, Christopher R Conant, Jonathan M Dilger, Yoni Toker, Evan R Williams, David H Russell, David E Clemmer, Chem. Comm. 54 (2018), 3270.
“Formation and stabilization of C6− by radiative electron attachment” Vijayanand Chandrasekaran, Aneesh Prabhakaran, Bhim Kafle, Hilel Rubinstein, Oded Heber, Michael Rappaport, Yoni Toker, Daniel Zajfman, J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017), 094302.
“Protein and peptide cross sections and mass spectra in an electrostatic ion beam trap” Z. Fradkin, D. Strasser, O. Heber, M.L. Rappaport, M. Sharon, B.A. Thomson, I. Rahinov, Y. Toker, D. Zajfman, J. Instrum. 12 (2017), P05008.
“Measurement of the stabilities of isolated retinal chromophores” L. Musbat, M. Nihamkin, Y. Toker, J. M. Dilger, D. R. Fuller, T. J. El-Baba, D. E. Clemmer, S. Sarkar, L. Kronik, A. Hirshfeld, N. Friedman, and M. Sheves, Phys. Rev. E 95 (2017), 012406.
“Effect of a localized charge on the stability of Van der Waals clusters” I. Rahinov, Y. Toker, K. Hansen, D. Schwalm, O.Heber, D. Zajfman, Eur. Phys. J. D. 70 (2016), 260.
“On the Exciton Coupling between Two Chlorophyll Pigments in the Absence of a Protein Environment: Intrinsic Effects Revealed by Theory and Experiment” B.F. Milne, C. Kjær, J. Houmøller, M.H. Stockett, Y. Toker, A. Rubio, S. Brøndsted Nielsen; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 128 (2016), 6356-6359.
“Isotope Labeling Study of Retinal Chromophore Fragmentation” L. Musbat, M. Nihamkin, S. Ytzhak, A. Hirshfeld, N. Friedman, J. M. Dilger, M. Sheves, Yoni Toker. J. Phys. Chem. A,, 120 (2016), 2547.
“Characterization of a new electrostatic storage ring for photofragmentation experiments”, H. B. Pedersen, A. Svendsen, L. S. Harbo, H. V. Kiefer, H. Kjeldsen,L. Lammich, Y. Toker and L. H. Andersen, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 (2015), 063107.
“The Soret absorption band of isolated chlorophyll a and b tagged with quaternary ammonium ions” M. H. Stockett, L. Musbat, C. Kjær, J. Houmøller, Y. Toker, A. Rubio, B. F. Milne and S. Brøndsted-Nielsen, PCCP 17 (2015) 25793-25798.
“Direct Measurement of the Isomerization Barrier of the Isolated Retinal Chromophore”, J. Dilger, L. Musbat, M. Sheves, A. B. Bochenkova, D. E. Clemmer, Y. Toker, Ang Chemie Int. Ed. 127 (2015), 4830-4834. (Frontispiece)
“Unraveling the Intrinsic Color of Chlorophyll” B. F. Milne, Y. Toker, A. Rubio, S. Brøndsted Nielsen, Ang. Chemie. Int. Ed. 5 (2015), 2170.
“Determination of Absolute Recurrent Fluorescence Rate Coefficents for C6-”, V. Chandrasekaran, B. Kafle, A. Prabhakaran, O. Heber, M. Rappaport, H. Rubinstein, D. Schwalm, Y. Toker, D. Zajfman, J. Phys Chem. Lett. 5, (2014), 4078.
“UV Excited-State of Biochromophore Negative Ions” A. V. Bochenkova, B. Klaerke, D. B. Rahbek, J. Rajput, Y. Toker, L. H. Andersen, Ang. Chemie. Int. Ed. 126 (2014), 1-6.
“Sidebands from longitudinal bunch oscillations in an electrostatic ion beam trap”, Y. Toker, D. Schwalm, L. H. Andersen, O. Heber and D. Zajfman, JINST 9 (2014), P04008.
“Photoresponse of the protonated Schiff-base retinal chromophores in the gas phase” Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, H. V. Kiefer, J. Rajput, R. Antoine, P. Dugourd, S. Brønsted Nielsen, A.V. Bochenkova, L. H. Andersen PCCP 15 (2013), 19566.
“Absolute photo-destruction and photo-fragmentation cross section measurements using an electrostatic ion beam trap” O.Aviv, B. Kafle, V. Chandrasekaran, O. Heber, M. L. Rappaport, H. Rubinstein, D. Schwalm, D. Strasser, Y. Toker and D. Zajfman, Rev. Sci. Inst. 84 (2013), 053106.
“Formation and stability of hydrogenated PAHs in the gas phase” B. Klaerke, Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, L. Hornekaer, L. H. Andersen; Astronomy and Astrophysics 549 (2013), A84.
“Direct and indirect electron emission from the green fluorescent protein chromophore”, Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, B. Klaerke, A. V. Bochenkova, L.H. Andersen; Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012), 128101.
“Probing the barrier of internal rotation of the retinal chromophore” Y. Toker, A. Svendsen, A. V. Bochenkova, L. H, Andersen; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 (2012), 8757.
“Blackbody-induced radiative dissociation of cationic SF6 clusters”, Y. Toker, I. Rahinov, D. Schwalm, U. Even, O. Heber, M.L. Rappaport, D. Strasser and D. Zafjman, Phys. Rev. A. 86 (2012), 023202.
”The decay of ion bunches in the self bunching mode” M.W. Froese, M. Lange, S. Menk, M Grieser, O. Heber, F. Laux, R. Repnow, T. Sieber, Y. Toker, R. von Hahn1, A. Wolf, K. Blaum; New J. Phys 14 (2012), 073010.
”Radiative Cooling of Al4- and AL5- in a cryogenic environment” M. Lange, M. W. Froese, S. Menk, D. Bing, F. Fellenberger, M. Grieser, F. Laux, D. A. Orlov, R. Repnow, T. Sieber, Y. Toker, R. von Hahn, A. Wolf, K. Blaum; New J. Phys 14 (2012), 065007.
“Lifetime measurements in an electrostatic ion beam trap using image charge monitoring” I. Rahinov, Y. Toker, O. Heber, D. Strasser, M. Rappaport, D. Schwalm, D. Zajfman; Rev. Sci. Inst. 83 (2012), 033302.
“Photodissociation pathways and lifetimes of protonated peptides and their dimers”, A. Gopaland, B. Klaerke, J. Rajput, Y. Toker, L. H. Anderesen, A. V. Bochenkova, R. Antoine, J. Lemoine, A. Racaud, P. Dugourd; J. Chem. Phys. 136 (2012), 014307.
"Thermionic power-law decay of excited aluminum-cluster anions and its dependence on storage-device temperature" M.W. Froese, K. Blaum, F. Fellenberger, M. Grieser, M. Lange, F. Laux, S.Menk, D.A. Orlov, R. Repnow, T. Sieber, Y. Toker, R. von Han, A. Wolf, Phys. Rev. A. 83 (2011), 023202.
“Competition between delayed ionization and fragmentation of laser-excited Al(4)(-)” O. Aviv, Y. Toker, M. L. Rappaport, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, D. Zajfman; Phys. Rev. A 83 (2011), 023201.
“Search for dimer emission from photoexcited Al4-“ O. Aviv, Y. Toker, J. Rajput, D. Strasser, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, D. Zajfman, L.H. Andersen; Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010), 035201.
“A cryogenic electrostatic trap for long time storage of keV ion beams” M. Lange, M. Froese, S. Menk, J. Varju, R. Basteret, JRC Lopez-Urrutia, F. Fellenberger, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, O. Heber, K. U. Kuhnel, F. Laux, D. A. Orlov, M. L. Rappaport, A. Shornikov, T. Siever, Y. Toker, J. Ullrich, A. Wolf, D. Zajfman, Rev. Sci. Inst, 81 (2010), 055105.
“The kick-out mass selection technique for ions stored in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap" Y. Toker, N. Altstein, O. Aviv, M. L. Rappaport, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, D. Strasser and D. Zajfman, JINST 4 (2009) P09001.
"A bent electrostatic ion beam trap for simultaneous measurements of fragmentation and ionization of cluster ions" O. Aviv, Y. Toker, M. Errit, K.G. Hushan, H.B. Pedersen, M.L. Rappaport, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, D. Zajfman, Rev. Sci. Inst. 29 (2008), 083110.
"Radiative cooling of Al-4(-) clusters", Y. Toker, O. Aviv, M. Eritt, M.L. Rappaport, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, and D. Zajfman Phys. Rev. A. 76 (2007), 053201.
"Lifetimes of negative molecular hydrogen ions: H2- D2- and HD-" O. Heber, R. Gloser, H. Gnasser, D. Berkovits, Y. Toker, M. Eritt, M.L. Rappaport and D. Zajfman, Phys. Rev. A. 73 060501 (2006).
"Size effects in the interaction between ionic clusters and low-energy electrons" M. Eritt, A. Diner, Y. Toker, O. Aviv, O. Heber, M.L. Rappaport and D. Zajfman, Physica Scripta 73 (2006).
"Electrostatic ion beam trap for electron collision studies" O. Heber, P.D. Witte, A. Diner, K.G. Bhushan, D. Strasser, Y. Toker, M.L. Rappaport, I. Ben-Itzhak, N. Altstein, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf and D. Zajfman, Rev.Sci.Inst 76 (2005), 013104.
"Dependent electron-impact detachment of internally cold C-n(-) and Al-n(-) clusters" A. Diner, Y. Toker, D. Strasser, O. Heber, I. Ben-Itzhak, P.D. Witte, A. Wolf, D. Schwalm, M.L. Rappaport, K.G. Bhushan and D. Zajfman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004), 063402.