Action Spectroscopy Laboratory Prof. Yoni Toker

Education and Employment
1/10/2013 - Present: Faculty member in the Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University
1/11/2012-1/10/2013: Senior Intern in the Department of Particle Physics, the Weizmann Institute of Science.
1/10/2009–1/10/2012: Post-Doctoral research in the Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, under the supervision of Prof. Lars H. Andersen.
Photo-electron and photo-fragmentation studies of gas phase bio-chromophores.
Heat capacity measurements of bio-molecules as a means of determining internal rotation barriers.
16/1/2005–15/10/2009: Ph.D. student in Physics at the Department of Particle Physics, the Weizmann Institute of Science under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Zajfman.
Title: ‘Cooling and heating of small clusters as measured using statistical dissociation’.
1/10/2002–16/1/2005: M.Sc. in Physics at the Department of Particle Physics, the Weizmann Institute of Science under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Zajfman.
Title: ‘Delayed electron emission from small metal clusters’.
1/10/1999–01/10/2003: B.Sc. in physics and mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1996: High school matriculation with emphasis on physics, mathematics and French, René Cassin High School, Jerusalem. Performed a matriculation thesis under the supervision of Prof. Robert Aumann.
Military Service
1996-1999: Soldier in the combat engineers corp.
Prof. Yoni Toker