Action Spectroscopy Laboratory Prof. Yoni Toker


“Velocity Map Imaging with No Spherical Aberrations”, Yehuda Ben-Shabo, Adeliya Kurbanov, Claus Dieter Schroter, Robert Moshammer, Holger Kreckel, Yoni Toker, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023), 25122-25129.

“Peptide Bond Formation in Protonated Serine Dimer Following VUV Photon-Induced Excitation”, Ori Licht, Dario Barreiro-Lage, Patrick Rousseau, Alexandre Giuliani, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Avinoam Isaak, Yitzhak Mastai, Amnon Albeck, Raj Singh, Vy Nguyen, Laurent Nahon, Lara Martinez, Sergio Díaz-Tendero, Yoni Toker, Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 62 (2023), e2022L18770..

“Gas phase bond formation in dipeptide clusters”, M. Nihamkin, A. Isaak, A. Albeck, Y. Mastai, Y. Toker, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 (2020), 10100-10105.

“The Soret absorption band of isolated chlorophyll a and b tagged with quaternary ammonium ions” M. H. Stockett, L. Musbat, C. Kjær, J. Houmøller, Y. Toker, A. Rubio, B. F. Milne and S. Brøndsted-Nielsen, PCCP 17 (2015) 25793-25798.
“Unraveling the Intrinsic Color of Chlorophyll” B. F. Milne, Y. Toker, A. Rubio, S. Brøndsted Nielsen, Ang. Chemie. Int. Ed. 5 (2015), 2170.
“Direct Measurement of the Isomerization Barrier of the Isolated Retinal Chromophore”, J. Dilger, L. Musbat, M. Sheves, A. B. Bochenkova, D. E. Clemmer, Y. Toker, Ang Chemie Int. Ed. 127 (2015), 4830-4834.

“Photoresponse of the protonated Schiff-base Retinal chromophore in the gas phase”
Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, H. V. Kiefer, J. Rajput, R. Antoine, P. Dugourd, S. Brøndsted Nielsen, A. V. Bochenkova, and L. H. Andersen; PCCP 15 (2013), 19566.

“Direct and indirect electron emission from the green fluorescent protein chromophore”
Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, B. Klaerke, A. V. Bochenkova, L.H. Andersen; Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012), 128101.

“Probing the barrier of internal rotation of the retinal chromophore”
Y. Toker, D. B. Rahbek, B. Klaerke, A. V. Bochenkova, L.H. Andersen; Ang. Chem. Int. Ed. 109 (2012), 128101.

“Blackbody-induced radiative dissociation of cationic SF6 clusters”
Y. Toker, I. Rahinov, D. Schwalm, U. Even, O. Heber, M.L. Rappaport, D. Strasser and D. Zafjman, Phys. Rev. A. 86 (2012), 023202